You will need:
- A Polaroid Spectra camera
- Empty Spectra film cartridge
- A pack of 600 or i-Type film
Preparing the cartridge
The front of the cartridge, where the film ejects from can be opened. There is a latch on each side that holds it closed (Insert pic). Take a flat blade screwdriver and unlatch each side to open the door. It doesn't matter if you break them because you won't be closing the door with 600 film. Carefully remove the metal piece or the spring that pushes the film to the top. Take your 600 pack and open the box and remove the foil. You will need to do the next part in complete darkness otherwise you will ruin your film so carefully inspect both cartridges so you can work on them in the dark. A film bag also works and is the preferred method. Get your 600 pack and break open the bottom side where the film ejects so you can slide out the film. You can either do it all at once or one by one but remember to not squish the film because artefacts will appear on your photos. Handle it from the sides. Put the film somewhere where you will easily get it and remember which side it goes. I should mention that because 600 film is longer than Spectra film, you cannot close the door on the cartridge and that results in there being a bigger gap on the front which sometimes makes the camera eject two photos at once and jam, ruining both. I have found a solution to that. Take the spring from the 600 cartridge and insert it in the Spectra cartridge upside down, to the left side. Take the cartridge and with your thumb pinkie hold the sides, while pushing down on the spring with the rest of your fingers (both sides and the middle of the spring). Take your film and insert it, including the dark slide on the top, again to the left. Make sure it is touching the left and top walls, otherwise it won't work. You will need to push it below the frame on top so it can reach the end. After that take your Spectra cartridge loaded with film and insert it in your camera. If you did everything correctly, the camera should spit out the dark slide. You should be done! If it doesn't work the first time, don't give up! I wasted a whole pack of film trying it the first time :D
It really helps if you have a used 600 cartridge that you can practice on, without needing a dark room. Also because 600 film is narrower, you will see there is a gap on the right and if you shake the camera too much, the film will not be able to eject, because the pick arm pushing the film out is on the top left corner. You can put a sponge on the right so it holds the film in place.
[Link to YouTube Video for reference by SPRKPLG]Replace a dead Spectra battery with a new one from a 600 cartridge
You may know that the battery that powers the camera is stored in the cartridge. i-Type film does not have a battery so if you bought that, you cannot use it. These batteries usually last for around 30-40 pictures, a lot more than the 8 in each pack. Take your empty Spectra cartridge. remove the spring and after remove the battery. Do the same with the 600 cartridge. You will see that the Spectra battery has cutouts on each side. Take your Spectra battery and use it to mark where exactly you need to cut. Take a utility knife or scissors and cut the 600 battery to match the Spectra one. After that just insert the new battery in the Spectra cartridge and put the spring back in. Check the bottom to see if the battery contacts on the bottom line up.
[Link to YouTube Video for reference, again by SPRKPLG]